
China Green Glass Industry Summit 2023_ECV International

Glass production is an energy-guzzling industry . The growth in global glass consumption and production will drive the absolute energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of the industry. Under China’s Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutral Policies, how can the glass industry innovate glassmaking processes and materials? How to innovate technologies for capturing and storing greenhouse gas emissions in the industry? How to transform energy technology, improve energy efficiency, and use renewable energy electricity? 

The summit gathered experts from the glass industry to discuss the latest policies for green and sustainable development of the glass industry, the latest technologies and materials for glassmaking, glass technology reform, the methods to obtain green power and other hot topics, so as to boost the glass industry to achieve carbon neutrality and sustainable development.


Event Date/ Location / Organizer

October 26-27, 2023 / SHANGHAI, CHINA

The summit will be held in-person and online.

Hot points

Interpretation of Environmental Protection and Low Carbon Policies in the Glass Industry;

Innovative Production Processes to Improve Energy Efficiency;

Circular Economy in Glass Industry;

Green Electricity;

Green Hydrogen Energy;

Carbon Neutral in Glass Industry;


 Hot topics

2025 China’s Green Glass Industry and Future Development Trends;

How to Achieve Sustainable Development in the Glass Industry under the Dual-carbon Policy;

Digging Deep into “Decarbonization Points” to Create a Green and Low-carbon Automotive Glass Factory;

How to Carry out Carbon Neutrality Management in the Whole Life Cycle of Glass;

Application of Hydrogen Energy in Glassmaking ;

Intelligent Power Distribution Solutions Help Glassmaking Improve Power Distribution Reliability and Efficiency;

How to Apply Decarbonization Technologies such as CCUS in Low carbon Glassmaking;

Panel Discussion: How to Achieve the Net-zero Goal of the Entire Glass Industry Chain in the Context of the Dual- carbon Strategy? 



We sincerely invite Glass factory、Equipment supplier of glass manufacturing、Supplier of raw materials, main and auxiliary materials for glass production、Suppliers of class furnace engineering, glass tempering furnace, silicone, refractory material、Suppliers of inspection and testing technology, software, and equipment、Clean energy suppliers (such as hydrogen)、Suppliers of technical equipment such as waste heat power generation and waste heat and energy recovery and utilization、Service providers of carbon emission management and environmental governance、Service providers of intelligent distribution solution、Soda ash manufacturer, quartz sand supplier 、Automotive、Construction、Electronics、Photovoltaic new energy、Packaging……committed to the development of glass industry colleagues to attend the China Green Glass Industry Summit 2023.

If you are interested,please contact us or register using below link.

Event website:


Phone: +86 21 8026 0707-803、+86 13271915990


What do you think?

Posted by Cherry Cheng

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China Green Glass Industry Summit 2023