
Mercury retrograde Special call with NBK – 23rd August 2023

Peoples! It’s that time of the year again! 😁🐬💚

Mercury goes retrograde and we too, regress. As a mental planet, he brings all things to a head and we could be over thinking, over feeling, critical, negative, blaming and reactive – it is easy to be out of sorts and out of balance this week.

Ergo, our call today to BALANCED BE!

Are we still behaving like the  children we were? Or has the adult shown up?  

Are old judgements still ruling our life? Or are we operating from new awareness?

Have we become friends with our surpressed childhood emotions? Or are they derailing us now?

It is an incredible time for some deep life changing healing! Come for today’s call and invite your friends and fam too!

Mercury disrupts as part of his retrograde (more than any other planet); Go thro the list of dos and don’ts here:

It is an incredible time for some deep life changing healing! Come for today’s call by signing up here:


What do you think?

Written by Drishti Talreja

+ดู- แมนสรวง 【HD】 & เต็มเรื่อง

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