WomELLE presents Recognizing & Adapting to Diverse Communication Styles in Partner with Communication TwentyFourSeven, LLC.
We all have multiple roles in the workplace: as a leader, sometimes we have to follow; as a manager, sometimes we have to support; and as a team member, we have to collaborate, and sometimes we have to challenge the status quo. At the heart of fulfilling any of these roles well is the ability to adapt our communication. This webinar will help you learn how to quickly identify the four types of communication styles, how your style impacts others’ perceptions of you, and how learning to adapt your style will make you a better team member and a better leader.
In this webinar with Jennifer Arvin Furlong, you’ll learn:
Why knowing about communication styles matter
Defining communication
Identifying the four communication styles
How to adapt your style to others
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CkpXV8EMRw-V_LxFcTitGA